QED Naval – Subhub

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QED Naval – Subhub

Pelagic Innovation have successfully completed a review and development of the design of QED Naval‘s Subhub Tidal Support Structure.

Subhub Crane Into Water

Subhub is an innovative solution to the commissioning, transport, installation and maintenance of tidal turbines. The concept consists of a gravity base foundation structure that doubles as the commissioning, transport and installation barge for a ‘mini array’ of turbines.

Pelagic innovation undertook an independent review of a 4 metre ‘community scale’ design variant and subsequently supported the management of the QED Naval technical team to develop the design and reduce risk to the project. Tasks that were completed included improvements to the floating stability and installation stability of the platform and the concept design for the critical ballast system. The turbines and electrical system have been integrated into the design.

Key Services:

  • Independent design review
  • Management support of technical team
  • Mechanical and structural engineering design
  • Risk management